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Manufacturing Improvement

For every step of your improvement journey…

When it comes to implementing improvement programmes, we use Practitioners, not Consultants. This means you don’t get someone who became a consultant straight out of university. Our Practitioners have all managed a factory, or a significant part of one, and have a track record of success from within business before joining Lauras International. They have then gone though an extensive training process to make them experts in their chosen specialism of improvement. They will then work with you and your personnel, training, getting involved in meetings, and on the shop floor in the way only true operational professionals can. Only in this way have we been able to guarantee the success of our programmes…


1. Opportunity Assessment

Detailed onsite review of operations
Are you building the right improvement plan? Going after all you could – or concerned there’s a big prize being missed? You know your losses, but do you have the right systems/behaviours in place to sustain improvement? Maybe you just want confirmation your plan isn’t too aggressive. Opportunity Assessments define your site’s maturity towards improvement, outline the areas of greatest opportunity, and determine the right improvement model for your business. Read more…

Or to discover how an Opportunity Assessment works – sign up here >



2. Rapid Lean

Practical workshops for Operators
Fed up with current factory performance? Frustrated by levels of waste and giveaway, or just concerned about a particular complaints issue? You might also be uncertain how to mitigate wage inflation, or rising raw material costs – or perhaps you already know you want to implement Lean, and want a way to do that means it pays for itself quickly. Our Rapid Lean programmes deliver significant net benefit from year 1, and can be cash positive in 3-6 months. Read more…

Or to get Rapid Lean tips and advice straight to your inbox – sign up here >


3. FLM Programmes

Coaching for Front Line Managers
Frustrated with mangers failing to deliver on objectives? Concerned they demotivate your best workers? Held back by industrial relations issues? Or fed up with each shift doing things differently? Perhaps you’ve identified a training need but you’re worried that training won’t deliver real benefit. Our Producing Excellence Programmes link classroom training in management tools/techniques with shop floor ‘homework’ to apply the learning. Read more…

Find out how at an Aspire Workshop – sign up here >


4. Asset Care

TPM strategy to improve plant reliability
Once the low hanging fruit has been polished off through manufacturing improvement workshops and problem solving, we focus on developing your Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) strategy to help you recover even slight performances losses. Our Reliable Maintenance programmes have achieved 99.8% technical reliability for over 12 months and savings of hundreds of millions in Euros. Read more…

Or to join our Reliable Maintenance Newsletter – sign up here >



We’ve had the best of our best, which are better than most, working on this for years and they have not achieved these results. This has clearly been a significant breakthrough. The results show this.

Senior Supply Chain VP from International Beverage Business