Rapid Lean Process image

Rapid Lean Process

6 step arrow diagram



Every plant is different, but an assessment will determine the size the opportunity and demonstrate that the Lauras Rapid Lean tools can be applied. This takes between 4 days and 4 weeks, depending on the size and complexity of the site or line to be assessed.


The site management must own the plan for the results to genuinely sustain, so this is built in conjunction with local management, who will then own and drive the results themselves.


The best people to make change happen are the people on the shop floor themselves. They genuinely understand the problems, and have the ability to make changes stick – Lauras are experts at working with shop floor teams to help them to success – often to success beyond their wildest dreams. We are constantly impressed by the innovation, understanding, and drive from people on the shop floor – often underestimated by their own management.
Classroom training is necessary, but is kept very light and practical. The rapid lean tools are highly effective, but also easy to understand – Lauras simply don’t believe that something being complicated makes it better. We all learn better by doing, and there is no time to spare, so the vast majority of time is spent on the lines, making real changes.

Sustain / Maintain

Lauras are committed to sustained results – and we think that means that businesses who use us should find that they continue to improve faster than before, long after we have left. For this to happen, Lauras ensures that the sustainability model and rapid lean tools are understood deep within your organisation. Lauras also works on and puts right the other elements of the sustainability model – making sure that the time, ability, and inclination is present throughout the organisation to drive towards further improvement.


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The focussed homework, linking the learning to ongoing behaviour and leadership habits, was particularly useful. Excellent 5* training.

Front Line Manager – FLM Training

I assumed that if the machines were running, everything was fine. It has really opened my eyes. Personally, it has given me a new lease of life.

Paul McCarthy, Engineer, Dalehead Foods